Bargains, bargains, bargains at Lakes Region’s Town Wide Yard Sales!
Bargains, bargains, bargains at Lakes Region’s Town Wide Yard Sales!
By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper
Who can resist the lure of a good yard sale? During the summer and right into fall, there are town wide yard sales taking place throughout the Lakes Region. The convenience of a town wide sale means you can find a lot of sales in one community versus driving from area to area in search of bargains.
Getting ready for yard sale season.
If you like a good sale, Meredith is the place to be on Saturday, May 18 as the Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors the 25th Annual Community Yard Sale. At the Chamber of Commerce Information Visitor Center at 272 DW Highway, maps identifying the locations of the various sales will be available beginning at 8 am on the day of the sale.
According to Chamber Executive Director, Susan Cerutti, the town wide sale will be held from 9 am to 3 pm, with over 30 locations in the Meredith, Center Harbor and Moultonborough areas.
In addition to the sales taking place at individual homes, several businesses and organizations will also participate. In Meredith, The Trinity Episcopal Church, located on Route 25, will hold a sale. The Friends of the Library will have their annual book sale at the Meredith Public Library at 91 Main Street.
The Meredith Historical Society’s yard sale will be held at the Society’s Farm Museum on Winona Road. The sale is a fundraiser for the Historical Society, and especially important as the organization is raising funds to make critical repairs to the Farm Museum building. For more information, call 603-279-2275.
Businesses participating are the Meredith News on Water Street and Waukewan Village Association on Waukewan Street, Calvary Bible Church at Main Street and the Center Harbor Congregational Church in downtown Center Harbor.
There will be Upper Mill Point sales and also yard sales at Skyview Circle, Meredith Neck and in Center Harbor, Preston Road off Waukewan Road.
The Meredith Community Yard Sale will be held rain or shine. Signs will be posted at the individual locations so those attending can easily identify participants.
The community spirited event is sponsored by the Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce as a service to both residents and businesses and at the same time provides those attending with the opportunity to shop for treasures at the various sales and frequent local stores and restaurants.
For more information about the event, call the Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce at 603-279-6121.
Elsewhere, town wide yard sales will be held in many area towns. Tuftonboro will hold its annual Town Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, June 1 from 9 am to 1 pm. Plan on attending the sale that features everything from antiques and used goods to household items, etc. For information, visit Email Tuftonboro Parks and Recreation at
Wakefield (and Brookfield) will be holding a town wide yard sale on Saturday, May 25 from 8 am to 2 pm. This charming town will be busy with many yard sale locations offering everything from household items to antiques. Call 603-522-9977 for details. Yard sale location maps will be available around town.
Alton will be hosting an Annual Town Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, June 1. The sale starts at 9 am, and there will be many, many yard sale sites around the town, including many in-town locations as well as sales at homes in more rural areas of Alton. Thus, it is important to pick up a map featuring all yard sale locations to make sure you “hit” all the sales. The maps are free and available at the Parks and Rec. office at Alton Town Hall on Main Street, the Gilman Library and local banks. There are over 45 yard sale locations. Call 603-875-0109 for details.
A mammoth Multi-Town Yard Sale will be held May 31, and June 1 and 2 in the towns of Gilmanton, Barnstead, Chichester, Epsom, Loudon, Northwood and Pittsfield. Imagine how many bargains and treasures you will find as you wander from town to town in the area, where many sales take place! With many individuals and organizations registered to participate, the Pittsfield Chamber of Commerce has information on the event. Maps will be available on May 30 at
Bristol near Newfound Lake will hold its annual Town Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, July 27 from 8 am to 1 pm with yard sale locations all around the community. For details, call Kenny Rogers at 744-3321.
The Plymouth Town Wide Yard Sale has become a major event for the college town at the entrance to the north country of NH. The date for this year’s sale is Saturday, September 7 from 9 am to 3 pm. The town wide yard sale features many sale sites, as it has done for a number of years. Individual families, as well as service organizations will take part, making this end-of-summer sale one not to be missed. Go to Plymouth NH Town Wide Yard Sale’s Facebook for updates.