Full Moon Farm Prepares for Strawberry Season
Full Moon Farm Prepares for Strawberry Season
By Sarah Wright
Delicious strawberries will be ready in the coming weeks at Full Moon Farm.
Full Moon Farm in Wolfeboro has been selling strawberries for 20 years, and joined the pick-your-own business eight years ago. The farm is also known for its amazing selection of fresh flowers, with around 50 to 70 different kinds of flowers grown each year. Although owners Kevin and Jen French have decided not to offer the pick-your-own option this year due to COVID-19, their delicious strawberries and beautiful flowers will be available at their farm stand as well as the Wolfeboro Farmers Market as the season gets in full swing in the coming weeks. Jen says that she and Kevin are very thankful for their loyal customers during these unprecedented times. “The community has been super supportive, and we feel very fortunate to have such great customers,” says Jen.
Jen and Kevin are both locals who bought their farm back in 1998. They had always had a strawberry patch, but after raising three kids, they decided to expand the farm. Full Moon Farm now has three strawberry fields in rotation, with two of them always in production. Everything is done as organically as possible using sustainable growing practices, and luckily, “Strawberries just grow really well here!” according to Jen. Their only struggle has been deer pressure, which they resolved by finally installing a seven-foot-high electric fence. “Last year, we lost half a field to deer,” says Jen, “so we had to do something.”
Flowers at Full Moon Farm.
Kevin and Jen stick to just a few strawberry varieties that do really well, including Allstars and Jewels, June-bearing plants that produce tons of strawberries for three weeks. Yes, strawberry season is brief, but the delicious berries make it all worthwhile. “We’ve had customers drive off with a quart, only to turn around and come back for another!” Jen says. Full Moon Farm begins selling strawberries by the pint, quart and quart-and-a-half from mid to late June.
Throughout the season, you can enjoy a unique and stunning bouquet of local flowers from the farm. Kevin always enjoyed growing flowers and discovered that people love the convenience of buying a bouquet, especially when it’s freshly grown nearby. “Not only are local flowers fresher,” says Jen, “they’re also super fragrant and you can grow more delicate varieties, since they don’t have to be shipped.” Although the deer can also be a problem for flowers, Jen and Kevin resolved this by growing some of the flowers in tunnels to protect them.
Full Moon Farm’s flowers are available May through October. Customers will be able to purchase flowers at the farm stand, Wolfeboro Farmers Market, or from their flower cart in downtown Wolfeboro. Another wonderful option they offer are flower subscriptions in weekly or monthly increments, or you could give someone a gift card for a bouquet. What better way to surprise someone at home, or maybe treat yourself to a bouquet?
“The best part about a bouquet subscription is that the flowers change by the week, so it’s always something new,” says Jen. Support Full Moon Farm with a flower subscription, and you’ll be guaranteed the most beautiful, premium blooms they have to offer!
More flowers at Full Moon Farm.
Full Moon’s flowers became so popular that soon Jen and Kevin were in the wedding business. They offer full service for weddings, both design and installation as well as a la carte ordering of individual pieces, or do-it-yourself buckets of beautiful blooms. Full Moon Farm books a limited number of events each season to make sure couples have personalized attention. Contact Jen and Kevin and they’ll give you a tour of the flowers at the farm and discuss available options.
Wedding trends come and go, but Kevin says that because weddings are very specific with their colors, “We get a lot of requests for pink and white, green and white, and blue and white flowers.” Simple color schemes are always a popular choice with brides.
Support Full Moon Farm this summer and say hello to Kevin and Jen as they enter their first year at the Wolfeboro Farmers Market. You’ll be able to buy tasty strawberries and unique flowers along with a limited supply of vegetables, depending on what they’re growing. The Wolfeboro Farmers Market is open on Thursdays from 12:30 to 4:30 pm at Clark Park on Main Street in Wolfeboro. Strawberries and flowers will also be available at their farm stand, and you may find a few tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, or cabbages, if you’re lucky. But act fast! Although the farm stand is open from 9 am to around 4 pm on Tuesday through Sunday, they typically run out of items by early afternoon. You might also find flowers or strawberries at their cart in downtown Wolfeboro.
Full Moon Farm is located at 250 Waumbeck Road in Wolfeboro, and the farm stand is right out front. For further details, visit www.fullmoonfarmnh.com. You’ll find information about their strawberries and flowers, as well as flower ordering options in the online shop. They also offer other seasonal options throughout the year like holiday wreaths, and they hope to offer floral design classes in their renovated barn studio as soon as they are able. If you have specific questions, there is a contact form on the website, or you could message Jen and Kevin through Full Moon Farm’s Facebook page.
Spring has finally sprung, and pretty colors are popping up all around the Lakes Region. Bring some of those colors home with vibrant red strawberries or a rainbow of flowers. Or you can surprise a friend or neighbor and leave some on their porch. Embrace the season and celebrate!